Rheinmetall has a well-diversified financing portfolio in terms of the instruments used and the sources and terms of financing. This ensures that Rheinmetall is largely independent of individual lenders and markets.

Financing instruments in MioEUR

Maturing Nominal Financing source
Convertible bonds (Series A) 5 years 2028 500 Capital market investors
Convertible bonds (Series B) 7 years 2030 500 Capital market investors
Promissory notes 2025-2029 600 National and international lenders
Promotional loan R&D 2028 80 European Investment Bank
Syndicated loan facility 2028 750 12 banks (i.a. back-up line for the Commercial Paper Program)
Real estate and promotional loans 2025-2034 81 Banks
Bilateral credit facilities 2025 ~ 4,100 Banks and insurance companies
Commercial Paper Program Indefinite 750 Money market investors
(Status as of December 31, 2024)

Over three quarters of the bilateral credit facilities serve to provide guarantees, which are particularly important in the Defence sector, and they are generally utilized up to a maximum of 70 % to ensure sufficient flexibility at all times. With these instruments, Rheinmetall is in a good position to provide the financial resources that it needs for its operating activities in the form of liquidity or guarantees at any time. The use of these options is kept as balanced as possible, taking into account aspects relating to liquidity, margins and security.