Share class Bearer shares
German Security Identification Number (WKN) 703000
International Security Identification Number (ISIN) DE0007030009
Stock exchange Xetra and all german stock exchanges
Deutsche Börse admission segment Prime Standard / Regulated Market
Sector Industrial goods
Indices DAX, EURO STOXX 600
Bloomberg ticker symbol RHM
Reuters ticker symbol RHMG.DE
Designated Sponsor ICF BANK AG
Announcements Federal Gazette
First listed on the stock exchange November 14, 1894
Paying Agent Commerzbank AG (Mainzer Landstrasse 153, 60327 Frankfurt am Main)


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Equity as of year-end
Share capital € million 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51 111.51
Issued shares Thousands of units 43,559 43,559 43,559 43,559 43,559
Free float (incl. treasury stocks) % 100 100 100 100 100
Treasury Stocks % 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8
Share price at end of fiscal year (Xetra) 614.60 287 186.05 83.06 86.58
Performance over the year % 114.15 45.72 124 -4 -15
Market capitalization at year-end € billion 26.8 12.5 8.1 3.5 3.8
Earnings per share 16.51 12.32 10.94 6.72 -0.62
Dividend per share* 8.10 5.70 4.30 3.30 2.00
* Proposal of the Board of Directors for the Annual General Meeting